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Communities of Practice - PD Fest Sydney
18 May 2013

University English Language Centres of Australia (UECA), English Australia and UTS:INSEARCH present:


Communities of Practice - PD Fest Sydney 2013

This full day of professional development workshops includes opening and closing keynotes, four sessions of 45-minute workshops in three streams, industry panels, coffee wagon and exhibitor space, lunch, networking opportunities and an early evening social event.

The theme of the PD Fest is Communities of Practice and is aimed at providing professional development for teachers by teachers at UECA and English Australia member institutions. Workshops are presented in three streams – Early Career Teachers, Experienced Teachers and Master Teachers.

Please see the program below for more details.

Date: Saturday, 18 May 2013
Time: 10:00am - 5:00pm (9:30am Registration)
187 Thomas St
Sydney NSW 2000

View Larger Map
Cost: $50 for teachers from member institutions
Registrations are limitied to 140 teachers.


If you are interested facilitating a hands on practical workshop for teachers, please send your bio and an abstract (maximum 250 words) by 31 March 2013, to David Larbalestier, Director of Studies, [t] +612 9218 8629.


Time Events
9.30 Coffee and Registration
10.00 Welcome
David Larbalestier
President of UECA
10.10 - 11.00 Opening Keynote - Communities of Practice
Assoc. Professor Jacquie McDonald
11.10 - 12.30
Workshop A
M Miller
BB Auditorium
Workshop B
D Larbalestier
Workshop C
P Pheasant
Workshop D
R Stewart
12.30 - 13.30 Provided Lunch & Exhibition for ALL
13.30 - 14.20
Session 1
Session 1A
How to teach listening
Fee-Phang Chew
Session 1B
Accessing Academic Reading Texts
P Vaughan
Session 1C
Embedding Independent Learning
G Carnemolla
Session 1D
The Networked Teacher
K Benson &
S Khan
Session 1E
Designing Course Materials
M Haines
14.30 - 15.20
Session 2
Session 2A
Music Club Promotes Pronunciation
B Craig &
S Pitronaci
(Macquarie Centre)
Session 2B
Reflective Practice
S Caon-Parsons
(Adelaide Uni)
Session 2C
Assessment for Learning
J Longmore
Session 2D
Entering the Moodle zone
N Hayes
Session 2E
Cooking up a Direct Entry Program
C Wing-Lun
15.30 - 16.20
Session 3
Session 3A
Teaching Pronunciation
D Araya Campos &
L Harrison
Session 3B
Managing Feedback on Students' Writing
M Greenaway
Session 3C
Asian Learners in Australian Universities
D Kello &
P Arnand
Session 3D
Blended Learning in Action
L Kalache
Session 3E
Quick Student Response Tools
D Brookes
16.30 - 17:00 Closing Keynote - How can English Australia support you?
Katherine Brandon
English Australia
17.00 onwards Networking Event - Drinks at UTS: INSEARCH
Drink Voucher provided



Communities of Practice - PD Fest Sydney 2013 proudly sponsored by:

sydney sydney ueca