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Unpacking Internationalisation for English Language Learning and Teaching

PD Fest Adelaide - Saturday, 25 October 2014

University English Colleges Australia and English Australia are pleased to announce 'Unpacking Internationalisation for English Language Learning and Teaching – PD Fest Adelaide 2014'.

This full day includes opening and closing keynotes, breakout sessions in a variety of streams as well as networking opportunities and an early evening social event. Catering is provided throughout the day.

The theme of the PD Fest is 'Unpacking Internationalisation for English Language Learning and Teaching' and is aimed at providing professional development for teachers by teachers who are members of UECA and English Australia member colleges.

Please see the program below for more details.

Date: Saturday, 25 October 2014
Time: 9:00 - 18:00
Place: Lower Ground Napier Building North Terrace

The University of Adelaide
Cost: $50 for teachers from member institutions
Registrations are limitied to 84 teachers.


Time Events
9.00 - 9.45 Coffee and Registration
9.45 - 10.00 Welcome
David Larbalestier
10.00 - 10.50 Plenary Address:
Professor Betty Leask
(Latrobe University)
11.00 - 11.40
Session 1
Session 1A

An internationalised curriculum can include global perspectives and intercultural communication.

Sarah Sim
(Deakin University)

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Session 1B

An integrated skills approach to supporting English language development.

Catherine Moore
(ETS Global)

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Session 1C

Can quality be the same everywhere?

Ana Bratkovic

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11.45 - 12.25
Session 2
Session 2A

Towards a working definition of Internationalisation.

Alan Skilbeck
(University of Adelaide)

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Session 2B

Connecting digitally: online mentoring of Cambodia TESOL research grant recipients from ASEAN countries.

Darren Brookes

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Session 2C

Overview of the concept of intercultural competence.

Louise Townsin
(Torrens University)

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12.30 - 13.15 Lunch Break
Lunch provided
13.20 - 14.00
Session 3
Session 3A

Global cultures and English language learning.

Adrienne Harris
(University of Adelaide)

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Session 3B

Unpacking Internationalisation: A report on the implications of the English language as an international language in a text-based classroom.

Amin Zargarian
(Kaplan International English)
and Peter Mickan
(University of Adelaide)

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Session 3C

Efficacy: Student perceptions of English language tests as indicators of academic preparedness.

John Gardiner & Stephen Howlett
(University of Sydney)

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14.05 - 14.45
Session 4
Session 4A

Are the conditions for internationalisation being met in ELT/EAL?

Sumati Chakravarti-Cook
(University of Adelaide)

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Session 4B

Global Citizenship.

Renuka Sri
(University of Adelaide)

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Session 4C

Revising learning styles and exploring the relationship between them and educators, students and the curriculum.

Angela Nicholls
(University of Adelaide)

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14.50 - 15.30
Session 5
Session 5A

Empowering your students through the gift of intelligibility.

Dafne Araya Campos
(ABILITY English)

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Session 5B

Intermediate Reading: Where are we going, and how will we know when we’ve arrived?

Bonnie Cothren

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Session 5C

Motivation from the start: planning the first lesson with a new class.

James Heath

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15.30 - 15:45 Afternoon Break
15:45 - 16:25 Plenary Closing
Michelle Picard
(University of Adelaide)

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16:25 - 17:00 Closing Remarks
Kath Brandon (English Australia) & David Larbalestier (UECA)
17.00 - 18:00 Networking Event
Drinks provided


Teacher and Learner Engagement - PD Fest Adelaide 2014 proudly sponsored by:

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