Julian Savage, REW (RMIT), University of Melbourne
How to teach digital literacy

Technology is often seen as a panacea to meeting the challenges of language learning in the 21st century. There has been gravitation towards digital applications that replicate pre-existing learning methods that do language (quizlet and Kahoots as exemplars). However, as useful as these applications are they do not grapple with the broader question of how language learning sits in relation to a broader understanding of (digital) literacy and therefore, how technology may be employed to develop a range of capacities through multi-modal practices. So, to reframe the question from how does technology support language learning to how do we teach digital literacy, enabling our leaners to simultaneously develop digital skills in unison with traditional language ones?

This practice may involve a remodelling of pedagogy and a rethinking of curricula and I will illustrate this in the session and also examine the engagement of our Chinese students including their ability to critically reflect and to produce their own media artefacts.

I am currently teaching EAP at REW (RMIT) and completing a Masters of Education at the University of Melbourne. Prior to working in language education I studied and lectured in digital film production at La Trobe University, the Victorian College of the Arts, University of Melbourne, University of California, Santa Cruz and for a decade at Brunel University, London. An abiding interest in digital literacy and an advocate of digital learning tools I have given talks on the subject in a range of educational and academic contexts ranging from London and Istanbul to Berlin and Melbourne.