Angela Nicholls, The University of Adelaide’s ELC
Inspiring Resilience: Tools to transform lemons into lemonade

Many international students face challenges when they study abroad and these could include adaption issues, poor academic results, relationship problems, unwanted pregnancies and even the passing of a family member. When these events happen when someone is living in their home country with an established support network, they can be challenging. If a student has not developed a coping system or strategies prior to moving abroad it can be overwhelming. This session involves the sharing of tools which can be used in the classroom, such as short videos, discussion activities and a suggested reading list for teachers. These strategies inspire and encourage the discussion of coping mechanisms before students face difficulties so they know how to transform lemons into lemonade.

Angela Joy Nicholls is an Academic English Teacher from Professional and Continuing Education part of the University of Adelaide. She has taught both in Australia and Japan. During the last few years she has been exploring how to encourage and foster resilience in students. As challenging events happen to all of us our ability to bounce back is essential. The key is how to transform lemons into lemonade.