Jock Boyd
Shut up and Write Action research project

The Torrens University language Centre has responsibility for administrating Elicos classes across four faculties. We offer traditional Elicos pedagogy and have encouraged students to write in blogs and diaries but, we felt we needed to try a different method. We instigated a series of ‘Shut Up and Write’ workshops, which were designed to build the students writing confidence and create networks across the many faculties. These workshops are grounded in a philosophy of positivity and self-improvement; they are practical and provide an environment where the student’s writing is not judged but positively supported. The ‘Shut Up and Write’ format is a well-established international movement, which we have simply adapted and applied to an Elicos environment. A series of surveys have been gathered from students and staff concerning what would best suit them and their needs. In this presentation, we will outline the shut-up and write format, the benefits and challenges.

A lecturer with Think: CLASS for 10 years, Jock has presented his work at the 2007, 2009, 2013, 2015 EA Conferences, has carried out Action Research under the Tutelage of Anne Burns published in the Cambridge ESOL Journal 2011 and has presented technology and innovation at the 2011, 2015 NEAS conference. These workshops and presentations were about the many uses of technology in the classroom and this year’s EA presentation was the culmination of his experiences with technology and how to  incorporate pedagogic approaches to using technology for learning in the 21 Century classroom. Jock is currently a PhD candidate at Torrens University studying Academic Leadership in Virtual Environments.