Session 4C
Title: Get the best RESLT – Rubrics for ESL Teachers

Although Written Corrective Feedback is a major form of formative evaluation, many students find comments difficult to understand or act on. An additional feedback strategy is to provide evaluation through the use of rubrics.

In the first section of the workshop we’ll describe the implementation of rubrics across an academic program at Macquarie University English Language Centre. We’ll talk about the design and development process, then note the (sometimes unexpected) issues that arose during the first few deliveries. We’ll also show results from an in-house survey of the first cohort of students and teachers to use the rubrics.

The second section of the workshop will give workshop participants the opportunity to share experiences of rubric use, and to brainstorm aspects of rubrics (e.g. levels, criteria and descriptors) appropriate for their context. There will also be time to discuss what challenges may be faced in their own context and what potential benefits could be gained from using rubrics.

Vanessa Todd. English teacher at ELC for 7 years and previously at Insearch Language Centre. Masters of Applied Linguistics (MQ, 2012).

Philip White. English teacher at ELC for 7 years. Master of Applied Linguistics (Language Program Management) (MQ, 2011).