Session 4B
Title: ELT Across Multiple Platforms: a blended approach

This session will look at the affordances and restrictions of ELT content delivery via several New Learning Technology (NLT) platforms at UTS: Insearch.

Specifically, the following mediums for curriculum content will be scrutinised:
- Local Network (in-class delivery)

- Web-based Learner Management / Content Management System (LMS / CMS) - Blackboard and the Mobile Learn App

- 'eBook' - (mobile) self-contained, single download of all digital content

Lachlan Kalache is the Learning Systems Coordinator at UTS: Insearch. Aside from running the ELT Learning Centre, Lachlan is also a casual lecturer at UTS of several subjects involving technology integration into education contexts. He has multiple post-graduate qualifications in eLearning, Education and language learning and teaching.